I joined Facebook back around the spring of 2008 when pretty much everyone else was doing it. I, like most you, had no clue what I was doing and just posted silly things and all kinds of pictures. About 99% of everything I put on there was just nonsensical and really dumb but again, we were all doing it.
This leads us into Facebook’s best and worst feature. The memories button. Oh, yes. Everything we have ever posted on that day comes back to us when that date rolls around. Some days I just yell at myself and say, “What in the world were you thinking?” “Why would you ever post that?” It truly is awkward and it is the worst feature.
But, it is also the best feature. When my mom got sick, I would keep friends and family updated on daily posts that just kept everyone on the same loop. Those posts pop up and yes, it shows the struggle, but it also shows how many people would send kind messages and truly cared about her progress.
When she passed away, there were some absolutely beautiful posts for her that because of Facebook, are still there and hopefully, forever. Then there are the updates on my kids and what they are doing and certain moments in their lives that I was able to share with more friends and family.
The best feature in so many ways.
This is all possible because of Facebook and what it provides. Yes, I know there are some of y’all who loathe Facebook and that is perfectly fine. When those daily memories pop up, I tend to think the same way because I get that notion that those really dumb and goofy posts are coming. Some days they are there, some days they are not.
A good friend of mine will always post memorable moments on there and it made perfect sense. He says if something happened to me, there is a place on Facebook where I am still around and I want my kids to know that if they are feeling down and sad and need some inspiration, they can look at my page and at least for that moment, feel loved by me.
That was good enough for me so I will still cringe at some of my early posts, which again, were terrible, but there are a lot of good memories that still show up. 17 years on Facebook is a long time so much like life, good posts and bad posts are there and will always be.
Plus, the price isn’t half bad. Memories, truly priceless.