In Times Of Need….

In January of 2003, an NFL player died on the football field but with a quick working medical staff, brought him back and saved his life.  During this heartbreaking moment, players from both teams huddled on the far side and prayed.  The following weekend, all teams that were playing joined their opponents at midfield and prayed. 

Why?  It is simple because in time of need, we run to what secures us.  What makes us feel grounded.  What makes us feel loved.  The power of prayer delivered by the grace of The Almighty. 

Recently, I came across an article about the biggest selling book of all time, the Bible.  I have my grandfather’s bible and my mother’s bible and they are just gold to me.   We all have bibles, I hope, in our house.  The article said that in 2019 there were 9.7 million bible’s sold, compared to 14.2 million in 2023.  In the first ten months of 2024 alone, 13.7 million copies were sold.  

Why?  See above again.  Worries about what is happening around us is fueling this and despite what some media members will tell you, people are running to God in droves.  It has been that way for centuries and will never change and now the younger generation is buying the bible for the first time.  They are posting it all over social media and it really is a beautiful thing. 

Some think that bible is having it’s cultural moment, which every generation has had.  Now there are tangible numbers showing the increase in bible sales and they are staggering.  In times of need, we always run to what comforts us, the word of God, because we know in the end, it will all be okay.  



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