We have written many times about how there is never a coincidence in life, it is merely fate or as love to think, it is a God wink that we get and that is incredible. Some things just happen at the perfect time that it is way more than coincidence. I think God speaks to us all the time but many of us, including me, are not listening.
After my granddaughter was born in Mississippi, I came back to Nashville because I had to work. A few days later, I was just overcome with how much my mother would have loved to see her great grand. My mom loved my daughter so much that it would have been an amazing moment had my mom been there.
My mother passed away in June of 2011 but her memory is so vivid in my life that I thank God for that every single day. A few days after I got back, I was still on cloud nine from seeing my granddaughter, Lennon Kate and a tad sad my mom was not here. I had to stop at the store and grab a few things and when I do, I have a routine. A certain aisle, then another and grab things and go.
Not on this day however, I had this overwhelming pull to go to the left and down another aisle. What I saw when I walked down this aisle, stopped me cold. My mother absolutely loved the candy Hot Tamales. Absolutely loved. She had them everywhere in her house. When I tell you that I had not thought about that candy in 13 years, that is not a lie. On the left, the very first thing I see was a whole rack of Hot Tamales. How do you explain this? How do you? I stood there for five minutes, at least, and stared at the candy. I really don’t think I have ever been down said aisle in my life, but here I was.
I finally walked back outside to my car after taking a picture of the candy. Here I was, before I went in, thinking about my mother and Lennon Kate, a lot, and I walk in the store, go a different direction then I usually do and I see Hot Tamales. Now I get some will say this is just happenstance and all of that, but I am telling you, it is not. I was pulled to go down a different way and didn’t even question it.
Now was my mom speaking to me through a box of Hot Tamales, I don’t think so. Do I believe that was a massive God wink, with every fiber in my body. I think God is always speaking to us, but do we ever take time to listen, I know I am guilty of not listening.
I went back in and got my items and left the store. I did not buy the box of Hot Tamales because I already had it. In my mind and in my heart. No places are better for a memory.