“I’ll Sit This One Out”

 If you have read these stories and posts, you will know soon that I love food.  All kinds in fact and that includes free food, and who doesn’t love that.  As much as I love to satisfy my palate, there is one thing I will sit out when it comes to food if asked. 

Family Dining.  A big ole fat no thank you is what comes out of my mouth next.  I just cannot do it.  I really envy those that can sit and enjoy family dining style food.  

For those that don’t know, family dining is when you go to a restaurant and you sit with people you do not know.  Then the staff brings out all kinds of great food, yes it is excellent, and then you pass the food around as if you were in The Waltons T.V. show.  You then sit and eat and engage in conversation with a family who you probably tried to run off the road an hour before because they were driving fast in the slow lane. 

I have tried to enjoy it but I just can’t because I just want to sit and eat and look at my phone.  Sad?  Indeed, but that makes me happy.  The last time I did it, the dad threatened to spank his son because he put his hand into the mashed potatoes.  Dad warned him and the son did it again.  He then got up, grabbed his boy and away they went to spankville.  Five minutes later, they come back and the dad says, “That hurt me more than you.”  Son says, “At least you can sit down, I can’t.”  I start laughing, loudly, and the mom glares at me and the dad, who is sitting next to me, turns his body away.  

That was the last time I ventured into family dining.  There was also one time before when we did it and this family proposed, who I did not know, that every other seat be occupied by the other families.  I said, “Just to be clear, you want one seat for my family, then yours, then mine, and on and on?”  He said, “Yes, it is a great way to know each other instead of being at opposite ends.”  I told him no and gave him zero explanation.  He just stood there while we all sat down.  The rest of the dinner was extremely awkward as that family did not say a word to each other.  

I am curious at who enjoys this type of dining out.  There has to be some families who truly enjoy this or otherwise it would be banned in America.  I just want my food, sit down, eat it, and be done.  It is bad enough at a buffet when you have to make small talk going through the line, but you can at least go back to your table in peace.  

Another friend told me one time they had to suffer through family dining because a husband and wife got into an argument about cooking at home.  He said something about biting into something and the roof of his mouth not catching on fire and the wife did not like the comment and said, ‘fine, I won’t cook anymore.”  He countered and said, “my prayers have been answered.”  She got up and left.  My friend said the husband then turned them and asked if he and his kids could get a ride home.  I asked my friend if he was joking and he said nope.  He politely declined and said the man and his kids sat and ate in silence the rest of the time. 

Family Dining.  Thanks, but I will sit this one out.  

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