A few weeks ago, I wrote a story simply called, “Go Talk To Someone,” urging people, mostly men, to open up and go to talk to someone about all the things they are dealing with. I had never imagined the response that it would get and seeing all of them really made me happy it took off the way it did.
In writing that, and adding my email address in the story, I have had the honor of talking with some really great guys who have taken that first step in healing. They checked that foolish pride, that all men have, at the door and walked in. So proud of them for doing that.
Then a few nights ago, I was watching a short video about this whole process of taking that first step. I came upon a conversation that just stopped me in my tracks. I know we say that phrase a lot but this literally made me stand up and walk outside. Then I came back and watched it again and again. It was that powerful.
A man was talking to a counselor and telling him of all the things he had done wrong for a long time. He went on and on and the counselor stopped him in his tracks and said, “Hey! God doesn’t keep score. Give Him your heart and you will find out.”
He doesn’t keep score.
Powerful. Now you know why I had to stop and go for a walk. I found my notepad and wrote that as quickly as I could.
Now I am far, far, from a smart man but my goodness, that is about as simple as I have ever heard something so wonderful that cut right to the soul. I plan on using this for quite some time now when I have the opportunity to speak to a group, or just one person, it does not matter.
He doesn’t keep score.
Remember that please, when you think you have messed up that is is beyond any kind of repair. Write it down. Repeat it over and over. Put it someplace where you can see it as a reminder every time you need it. It will come back to you at the time you need it and you know it will and that is okay.
So keep reaching out if you need help because there is a movement underway that is getting bigger and better. My last article was called, Now We Walk Together,” which happens after you take that first step to reach out. Now take these words with you and put them in your heart.
He doesn’t keep score.
Here is the email address if you need to reach out. BigJoeOnTheGo@gmail.com