Over the weekend, it came out that someone purchased a winning Powerball ticket in Hendersonville. Now whether or not that person lives in Hendersonville/Sumner County remains to be seen but the jackpot was a cool $198 million.
Most of us choose the cash option because the whole sum if you don’t, is paid out over 20 years and most of us can’t look past next week, much less 20 years.
Anyhoo, let’s just say that the person lives in Hendersonville and now they are wealthy beyond their wildest dreams and are wondering what to do with that money.
Glad you asked, because we have a few ideas. Here we go.
1: Build a bridge between Hendersonville and Mt. Juliet. Immediately. That way the fine folks of Mt. Juliet can bypass Hermitage and don’t have to hold their nose. And 109 and that construction, will still be going on when the calendar turns to the year 2500.
2: Make Vietnam Vets Parkway 10 lanes, both ways, with no speed limit. Trust me, do this, you will be the greatest thing to ever come to Hendersonville since Johnny Cash and Twitty City.
3: Build a wall between Hendersonville and Goodlettsville. Just get it done. You will thank me later.
4: Then build another one, maybe a small one, between Hendersonville and Gallatin just to make them mad. The outrage will be amazing and then tell ’em you are kidding.
5: One more wall that you must build. As folks travel from Nashville to Hendersonville on the brand new 10 lanes both ways new parkway, build something that blocks us from looking at Rivergate mall. Many a Friday night for me and a ton of other people was spent cruising that place and it is time to move on. This is a personal one, as a favor, please.
6: Sue Drake over Drake’s creek. He will have no idea what you are talking about and neither will any of us, which makes this perfect.
7: Build a Navy that patrols Old Hickory Lake so that if any of those people from Rayon City try to come over under the cover of darkness, you can stop them. And send them to Rivergate.
Good luck in your endeavor.
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